Pressure mounts on Ghana to legalize homosexuality

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Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin South, Rev John Ntim Fordjour, has called on his colleagues in parliament to resist attempts by any pressure group to legalise homosexuality in the country.

This comes on the heels of an upsurge in the act which culminated in a group of young men declaring their intent to petition government to legalize the act in the country.

Addressing the media in Accra on Monday, August 23, 2017, Rev Fordjour, in condemning the act, urged those in it to desist from the practice due to its health and spiritual consequences.

“Without prejudice to the position of the Parliament of Ghana, the Government of Ghana, any religious body or any political party on the subject of homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality, premised on my deepest conviction and principles as a Christian, Reverend minister and a proud advocate of Jesus Christ, and a legislature [that is] a member of parliament for Assin South constituency, I hereby openly and unequivocally declare my firm position against the views of members of an advocacy group, who, on Thursday, August 17 2017, sought to canvass support from certain powerful persons and institutions in Canada to put pressure on Ghana to decriminalize homosexuality.

“In furtherance of their demonic agenda, it is alleged that a group of eight men have embarked on soliciting signatures ostensibly to put pressure on Ghana to decriminalise homosexuality. It is worth stating that the constitution of Ghana makes adequate provision which debar homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality and such acts that befoul the core tenant of our beliefs, customs and traditions as a people. …The practices of homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality are potentially detrimental to the health and well-being of those who may engage in such acts and have been determined as inappropriate,” he said.

The lawmaker urged lesbians and gays in the country to, “Repent and see the light of the salvation in Jesus for Jesus loves you. In conclusion, I humbly call on all Members of Parliament to remain resolute in defense of our constitution and resist strongly any pressure that may arise for potential compromise. Let us be steadfast and uphold Godly legislation. I hereby solicit the unfailing prayers and support of all religious leaders, traditional rulers and the media to ensure that Godliness prevails in our most cherished society.”


Source: classfmonline