3 arrested over killing of two police officers at Gomoa Buduburam

Three suspects have been arrested in connection with the shooting of two police officers at Gomoa Buduburam, near Kasoa in the Central Region on Wednesday afternoon. The three suspects, all male are being held at the Kasoa Police station. Their names are yet to be known. The two police officers have been confirmed dead. One died on the spot whilst…

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Auditor General Uncovers Corruption in School Feeding Program

The 2018 Auditor-General’s Report has revealed several financial irregularities that have led to huge financial losses to the state in the running of the Ghana School Feeding Programme, with 81 metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) and the management of the programme blamed for the mismanagement. Bloated enrolment figures, duplication of schools and payments of grants to non-existent caterers…

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