Father impregnates 14-year-old daughter

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A 38-year-old driver, Thomas Tetteh was on Wednesday put before an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly defiling and impregnating his 14-year-old daughter at Musuku, near Dome in Accra.

Thomas was charged with defilement and incest and pleaded not guilty to the charges and was granted bail in the sum of GHc50, 000.00 with three sureties to reappear on March 20th.

Prosecuting, Detective Inspector Kofi Atimbire told the court the complainant is unemployed and an uncle to the victim and lives at Parakuo junction near Dome, whilst Thomas is a driver living at Musuku near Dome.

He said the victim is the biological daughter of the accused person and resides with her mother at Christian Village after the parents separated.

He said the victim often goes to collect feeding fee from the father at Musuku. So on December 31, last year at about 1400 hours, the victim went to her father to collect this money as usual.

The prosecution said Thomas took advantage of that and asked the victim to be his girlfriend since her mother is no longer with him.

He said upon this assertion he had sexual intercourse with her the same day but the victim did not inform anybody about the act.

Detective Inspector Atimbire it was only when the victim became pregnant and the complainant was informed.

The complainant upon receipt of the information took the victim to the Tesano Domestic Violence Victim Support Unit of the Police and lodged a complainant.

He said the victim was asked to go to the hospital to be medically examined and after submission of the medical report the accused was arrested.

Detective Inspector Atimbire said the accused arrested has denied committing the offence.

The victim is seven weeks pregnant.


Source: GNA