Former Ghana president denies report that he called for Biya’s ousting after Jammeh

Former President J.J. Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyemang-Rawlings

Former Ghana President Jerry John Rawlings has denied a report published by French media Radio France International (RFI) on Saturday saying he called for the ousting of Cameroon’s President Paul Biya.

The report by RFI journalist Jean Baptiste Placca in French alleged that the former president had called on ECOWAS to send troops to Cameroon like they did in The Gambia to oust Biya.

Rawlings in a statement on Sunday described the assertion as a false report and that he “granted no interview to any local or international media on the subject matter.”

“We condemn in the strongest terms the attempt by RFI to smear his reputation with such falsehood,” the statement added and threatened to take legal action.

The RFI audio reported with its accompanying text have not been deleted from the website as at Monday and no statement has been written by the French media in that regard.

Former President Rawlings first came to power as a Flight Lieutenant in 1979 after a coup d’etat and after handing power to a civilian government, took back control in 1981.

He resigned from the army and ushered in a democratic era in Ghana where he won elections twice since 1992 to finish his two-term limit.

Source: Africanews