Chiefs raise issues with Asoma-Cheremeh’s nomination as BA Minster

Nana Bofotia Boa Amponsem, Krontihene of the Sunyani Traditional Area, (middle) addressing the press in Sunyani

The Sunyani Traditional Council has expressed some reservations about the nomination of Mr Kwaku Asoma-Cheremeh as the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister-designate.

According to the chiefs, they would not give him the needed support should he be given parliamentary approval.

At a press conference at the Palace of the Sunyani Omanhene on Thursday, the chiefs accused Mr Asoma-Cheremeh of inciting people against their authority.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in announcing Mr Asoma-Cheremeh as Brong Ahafo Regional Minister designate on Tuesday touted his hard work which made it possible for the NPP to win 20 seats in the region.

But  the Krontihene of the area, Nana Bofotia Boa Amponsem II said the conduct of Mr Asoma-Cheremeh towards the authority of the traditional council was unacceptable and for that matter they could not collaborate with him as a regional minister.

“While we cannot stop him from becoming a regional minister, what we are saying is that we cannot be part of his administration,” he said.

Nana Amponsem, however stated that the doors of the council was opened for amicable settlement of an impasse that had existed between the council and Mr Asoma-Cheremeh, who is the current regional chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Source: GraphicOnline