How a 31 year old Ghanaian was killed in Toronto

They were just sitting in the car talking about “life and death” when a loud pop went off. “It sounded like a fire cracker,” recalled Mary Acheampomaa. “I said, ‘What the hell was that?’” There was silence in the car. Then, from the backseat, came a voice. “I’m hurt.” Jenas Nyarko, 31, was, indeed, hurt. It was going to…

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31 year old Ghanaian shot dead at a funeral in Toronto

A 31-year-old Ghanaian woman living in Toronto, Canada has been shot dead at a funeral ceremony in her community close to the Replin Avenue, can authoritatively report. She was pronounced dead after being rushed to the Toronto trauma centre after the shooting a close family source revealed to indicating that Jenas Nyarko suffered life-threatening injuries due to…

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