Pope Francis: You cannot reject refugees and call yourself a Christian

Pope Francis condemned the hypocrisy from Christians who are merciless to refugees and people of other faiths, addressing a gathering of a pilgrimage of Catholics and Lutherans from Germany, reports Catholic News Service. Francis rebuked “the contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and, on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions.” “This is…

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Pope Francis Reiterates Support for Breast-Feeding in Public

Pope Francis encouraged women attending Mass at the Sistine Chapel on Sunday to breast-feed in public, telling them they could calm their crying babies by nursing them just as the Virgin Mary nursed the baby Jesus. The comments, which were reported by Vatican Radio, came as the pontiff baptized 28 babies at the Vatican. When the infants began, one…

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No, Pope Francis didn’t say Christianity and Islam should merge

Vatican City.- Widely shared quotes attributed to Pope Francis, in which he advocates for a merging of the religions of Christianity and Islam, have been debunked by the Vatican as fake. One of the quotes falsely attributed to Francis states: “Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Jehovah, Allah. These are all names employed to describe an entity that is distinctly the same…

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Austrian bishop: ‘Remarried’ Catholics now have ‘blessing of the Pope’ to receive Communion

An Austrian bishop has given a sweeping interview claiming that “remarried” Catholics now have the “blessing of the Pope” to receive Communion, the use of contraception is “a decision of conscience” for couples, and homosexuals can constitute a “family.” Bishop Benno Elbs, who heads the Feldkirch diocese in west Austria, made the comments in an interview with Die Presse on…

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