Peace returns to Tatale

The Basare and the Konkomba ethnic groups in Tatale in the Tatale-Sangule District in the Northern Region have agreed to bury their differences and live together in peace in order to promote development of the area. This understanding was reached at a District Security Committee (DISEC) meeting in Yendi, where leaders of the two ethnic groups pledged their commitment…

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Hymn of Peace by Nigerian Leaders Strikes Some as Off Key

As boy bands go, it was an unlikely crew. In a five-minute video posted online this week, a band of seven aging Nigerian leaders — all but one of them retired — sang a New Year’s hymn of peace for their country. Gowon, Obasanjo, Shonekan, Ekwueme, Osinbajo form choir, sing for greater Nigeria Video by Oak TV But the…

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