Big Promises: Ghana Election Special

Ghana’s new government promised change – what does it mean for the oil and gas sector? Just weeks into the start of Ghana’s New Patriotic Party government, and the changes for the oil and gas industry are already piling up — new government officials have been appointed, new leadership positions for state-owned companies announced and a new energy ministry…

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Ghana: TOR to start processing a million barrels of crude from the TEN field starting from January 6, 2017

In Ghana, the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) is expected to start processing crude oil from the Tweneboah Enyerra Ntonme (TEN) field from Friday, January 6, 2017. This was declared by the Managing Director of TOR, Kwame Awuah Darko, who sees the development as historic. According to Darko, he is optimistic that the company will process the one million barrels…

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