Spiritual gunshot test: Fetish priest from Sekyedumasi ends in pool of blood

Desmond Akwasi Addai at the hospital receiving treatment

A popular fetish priest at Sekyedumasi in the Ashanti region who claimed to have fortified himself against gunshots and therefore shot himself to test the efficacy of his supernatural powers has ended up in hospital nursing his wounds.

Named as Akwasi Addai, a.k.a Nana Tolofasito, he escaped death and was currently receiving medical care at the Sunyani Government Hospital in the Brong Ahafo region.

He was said to have insisted that he had fortified himself to the extent that there was no way he could be killed with a gun.
The incident was said to have happened last Thursday and that he ended up in a pool of blood and was first rushed to the Techiman Holy Family Hospital for treatment and later transferred to the Sunyani Regional Hospital that same day.

After receiving initial treatment at the Emergency Ward, he was transferred to the Allied Ward of the hospital where he has since been receiving treatment.

Graphic Online visited the dread-locked fetish priest on his hospital bed on Tuesday. He refused to speak about the incident.

Sitting beside his hospital bed were three other people with dread-locks who were believed to be either his relatives or subordinates at the shrine. They also refused to talk to Graphic Online about the incident.

A female nurse who was on duty at the time Graphic Online visited the ward also refused to comment on the health condition and other details of the patient.

“Since my client has refused to speak on the incident, I will not disclose any details about his privacy to you” she stated.


Source: graphic.com.gh