I am thankful for our time together – President Mahama

Out-going President John Mahama

President John Dramani Mahama on Sunday commended Ghanaians for co-operating with him and giving him the maximum support during his four-year term of office as the President of the land.

“In this season of love, sharing, goodwill and reflection, I am thankful for our time together and for what we have accomplished. Together we have sown and nurtured our nation’s dreams of prosperity for all,” he said.

This was in the President’s 2017 New Year Message and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra.

President Mahama said as Ghana turns 60 this year, the most significant thing that would be remembered about the West African country would be her progress and development in democracy and socio-economic transformation.

“We recognise that Ghana’s success is our collective success. And likewise, Ghana’s failure is our failure,” he said.

He said as Ghana chalked 60 years as a sovereign state there was the need for the leadership to move in the same level of other changes in the world to remain relevant in the international trends.

“We must recognise that we can forge ahead in this changing world only by consensual agreement on all the challenges we face, irrespective of our ethnic, religious, or partisan affiliation,” he added.

President Mahama called for unity among all Ghanaians to ensure that the national agenda remained paramount adding “let’s pray for the well being, longevity and prosperity of our nation.”

He wished the President-elect and his family a joyous new year of 2017.

Source: GraphicOnline