Invasion of fall armyworms ravages crops in 20 African countries

Insect to cause $3bn damage to maize in next 12 months and serious food shortages An invasion of fall armyworms from the Americas has ravaged crops across more than 20 African countries, putting hundreds of millions of people at risk of hunger. Experts warned this week that the continent will struggle to contain the threat posed by the 3.4cm…

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Why 20 Million People Are on Brink of Famine in a ‘World of Plenty’

UNITED NATIONS — In a world filled with excess food, 20 million people are on the brink of famine, including 1.4 million children at imminent risk of death. In the face of such grim numbers, a stark question confronts the world’s most powerful: Why in 2017 can’t they avert such a seemingly archaic and preventable catastrophe? Secretary General António…

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